Pam Pierce - 1 HOOF
Magic Touch E.M.T., LLC
Northern Colorado
(970) 988-6404
Pam first became interested in helping horses back in 2007 when she had to retire her 6 year old paint horse due to issues related to his overuse as a youngster. She started taking Equine Massage and Energy courses through Sport Horse Massage in Wyoming and Nebraska. She began working with her own horses and helping friends with their horses. When one of these friends suggested that she start helping horses as a business, she went through the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage and became a certified Equine Massage Therapist in 2010. As a result, her business, Magic Tough E.M.T., LLC (which has its own Facebook page), was born.
Pam has attended many Wendy Murdoch clinics at Last Resort Equestrian Center over the last 7 years. She bought the prototype pads from Wendy when they were available and started incorporating them into her equine massage therapy sessions. When Wendy offered the SURE FOOT practitioner clinic in the summer of 2019 at Last Resort, Pam took the opportunity to attend the clinic and added the new set of pads to her tool box. She has learned so much throughout the 10+ years of practicing equine massage and attending Wendy Murdoch clinics. She is grateful for every new experience and learning opportunity that allows her to continue to offer relief to equines and their partners.
Wendy Murdoch - 4 Hoof+
Post Office Box 488
Washington VA 22747 USA
Office: (540) 675-2285
Wendy Murdoch created the SURE FOOT Equine Stability Program in May 2012. A simple experiment, timed for 15 seconds has changed her life from that of a full time riding instructor and an International Clinician to developing, teaching, training horse owners and other Equine Professionals how to make horses happy with SURE FOOT.
Wendy holds a Masters Degree in Equine Reproductive Physiology. Her training in the scientific method keeps her looking for answers into why and how SURE FOOT can make such profound changes in horses in minutes. Her company, The Murdoch Method, LLC developed horse durable SURE FOOT pads that would stand up the weight and demands of the horse's hoof. Together with her partner, Bradley Schneider, an engineer, they have created the SURE FOOT Equine Products. Together they continue to explore and expand ways to take the benefits of SURE FOOT Equine Pads into other venues. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!
Bess Miller - 4 HOOF
Grass Lake, MI
Michele Galer - 1 HOOF
Hidden Haven Equine Services
Flamborough, Canada
Michele Galer has been a horse owner for 30 years and a registered veterinary technician for 20 years. In 2010, she became interested in rehabilitation and conditioning and decided to venture into the Equine and Canine bodywork world. In 2016 she certified as an Equi-Bow practitioner, following shortly with certification in Equi-Taping and is also a 1 HOOF SURE FOOT Practitioner. In the same year Michele started her business Hidden Haven Equine Services iand looks forward to continuing to learn and serve as many horses as she can.
Violet van Hees - 1 HOOF
Location: Vancouver Island
Violet van Hees is a 1 HOOF SURE FOOT® Practitioner, Tellington TTouch® Equine Practitioner 1, and a Feldenkrais® Practitioner, living and working on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. She loves helping people - and horses - and, well, any animals! - explore ways to get stuck stuff, unstuck. Her aim is to help you and your horse to move better, feel better, and do stuff better - while having fun too, ultimately leaving you with the knowledge and confidence of what you can do, to keep the good stuff growing.