Rachel GedaliyaRachel Gedaliya – 1 HOOF
Kelowna, British Columbia and Israel
Facebook: R.G Equine Body Works
Phone: 403-963-2465

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Rachel started her journey with horses in her early 20's in Israel. It was there, she started to observe the herd she was working with, in their wilder environment and was enchanted by the wisdom the horses had to share with us. 
A calling to Canada brought her to explore more about the horse world in the western provinces. That journey opened her to many therapeutic practices such as structural alignment, fascia release, Kinesiology taping, Craniosacral and barefoot trimming.
Rachel’s passion is to help horses feel better in their bodies, so they are able to express their beautiful movement in a graceful and discomfort free way. By combining modalities, Rachel is able to help horses and their owners achieve a better way of being.

Rachel has been using the SURE FOOT Pads in her practice to help horses gain more comfort and ease, and explore with their body’s new ways of moving. She believes in simple ways to achieve high results in her practice, and the Pads fit right in.

Rachel practices in Kelowna, British Columbia in Canada, with regular visits to Israel. Rachel shares her passion with the horse world by educating passionate horse owners and professionals.