Goose on SURE FOOT PadsImagine your horse becoming his own teacher and finding inner harmony. The SURE FOOT Equine Stability Program® gives you the tools to offer your horse this profoundly meaningful experience of self-learning. SURE FOOT is a unique and innovative program, which uses the SURE FOOT Equine Stability Pads. It's easy to learn. If you can safely pick up a hoof you can do SURE FOOT. You can give your horse the chance to change his posture, behavior, and movement while improving his balance, confidence, and performance in just a few minutes. More importantly, SURE FOOT will show you that, when given a voice, your horse will become engaged, present, and ready to work.



“Nothing else in the horse world helps a horse reprogram his movement so quickly. And, because SURE FOOT seems to work at a deep nervous system level, the horses maintain the progress.”

Dr. Joyce Harman, DVM

“Wendy Murdoch’s revolutionary SURE FOOT Program is a priceless gift to the horse world. I have seen remarkable results in mental, emotional, and physical balance of horses standing on these pads for only five minutes.”

Linda Tellington-Jones