Johanna SonneJohanna Sonne – 1 HOOF
34369 Hofgeismar
Tel: +49 172 2160190
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Johanna is a SURE FOOT Practitioner, skilled human physiotherapist and passionate rider. She teaches leisure riding and offers treatment in neurostim. She finds the SURE FOOT program extremely interesting and incorporates it into her work with client horses and her own.

Hallo! Mein Name ist Johanna Sonne und ich bin Sure Foot Practioner aus Überzeugung.
Als gelernte Humanphysiotherapeutin und passionierte Reiterin interessierte mich das System sofort !
Also entschloss ich mich dies zu erlernen und setze es seitdem erfolgreich ein.
Außerdem erteile ich Reitunterricht überwiegend im Freizeitbereich und biete Behandlungen mit dem Neurostim an.


“Nothing else in the horse world helps a horse reprogram his movement so quickly. And, because SURE FOOT seems to work at a deep nervous system level, the horses maintain the progress.”

Dr. Joyce Harman, DVM

“Wendy Murdoch’s revolutionary SURE FOOT Program is a priceless gift to the horse world. I have seen remarkable results in mental, emotional, and physical balance of horses standing on these pads for only five minutes.”

Linda Tellington-Jones