HALF PHYSIOPAD – Carry it with you wherever you go
The SURE FOOT HALF PHYSIOPAD measures 12”x16”x1.5, packaged individually and is constructed like the FULL PHYSIOPAD. Comparatively it is half the length (two HALF PHYSIOPADS is the equivalent of one FULL PHYSIOPAD). It consists of 1” Hard material color-coded with Orange DuraFlex (stamped with the official SURE FOOT logo), and ½” gray colored Medium material. The HALF PHYSIOPAD is packaged with a Warranty Card registration form and QR code for immediate access to the SURE FOOT Equine website for on-line product registration and education.
HALF PHYSIOPAD and the larger FULL PHYSIOPAD are the only SURE FOOT pads with a combination of two other Pads materials; Hard and Medium. Either surface may be used. The one-inch Hard side will give slowly, similar to the HARD Pad.
The Medium side has a different response from the Standard MEDIUM Pad - this layer is only a half-inch thick. It has a similar quality, but is not as springy as the standard pad, and does not challenge the horse’s balance. Instead it is simply a softer side, therefore PHYSIOPAD provides you with two very different surfaces which work extremely well as a single pad.
The HALF PHYSIOPAD is very useful as an introductory pad prior to using any of the Standard SURE FOOT Equine pads. It is a great choice to start with if you do not know the horse or are new to use yourself. Also, useful with horses unable to lift their hooves very far off the ground. It is a great choice for horses that are anxious or nervous when trailering (floating), or when at new venues. Better yet, the HALF PHYSIOPAD is travel size! As a bonus, the pad is also a comfy size for people – use it as a seat during sporting events, kneeling for work or gardening!
The PHYSIOPADS (originally called the Farrier Pad) were specifically designed for farriers and trimmers, to help horses stand in comfort without having to balance on a 2” thick pad or be have their balance challenged. A calm, quiet horse is easier to work with and requires less time. More importantly, when the horse is comfortable, everyone is safer: horse, handler and hoof-care provider.
This double-sided pad has become a favorite with equine rehabilitation practitioners choosing to use it before or during treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and myofascial release to maintain stability, or after a treatment to help the horse relax.
PHYSIOPADS are great for Equine Professionals to use as a treatment pad for the horse while standing to hold horses or kneeling especially on hard surfaces. This pad is designed to provide relief from standing for long periods of time.
Pads are suitable for use on any surface with horses that are shod, bare foot and/or wearing boots. Pads will show wear over time. Nicks, tears and cuts are considered normal wear and tear and do not limit the effects of the pads in any way.