Practitioner applicants will be evaluated at different stages of the process. During the SURE FOOT Workshops, 1 and 2 HOOF level applicants will be evaluated by the 4 HOOF Practitioner facilitating the workshop.

During the SURE FOOT Workshop, Applicants will be evaluated and given a rating from 1-4 on the following proficiencies:

  • A safe environment
  • Safe horsemanship practices
  • Offering the Pad
  • Positioning the Pad
  • Picking up a hoof
  • Placing the hoof on the Pad
  • Allowing the horse to choose how he stands
  • Moving the horse off the Pads
  • Ability to observe without judgement
  • Self-awareness
  • Staying present

The Rating Scale used for the above is:

  1. = Did not demonstrate
  2. = Expectation not met
  3. = Needs improvement
  4. = Met expectation
  5. = Exceeded expectation

These evaluations will be given to the SURE FOOT office and taken into consideration when the Applicant’s Case Studies are being reviewed.

Each time an Applicant submits a Case Study they will receive feedback from the Practitioner Coordinator. Case Studies should be submitted one at a time, so that the Applicant can utilize the feedback given by the Practitioner Coordinator on their next submission.
The Applicant will be evaluated on the same proficiencies in their Case Studies as they were during the Workshop. (See above list)

In addition, the Practitioner Coordinator will provide any additional feedback that may help the Applicant improve their next Case Study submission.

3 and 4 HOOF Evaluation

As part of the evaluation process both 3 and 4 HOOF Level Applicants will be required to mentor lower-level Practitioners as well as review and give feedback on Case Studies.
Case Studies will be sent to the Applicants by the Practitioner Coordinator.

Mentorship defined:

The purpose of mentorship is to provide the following:

  1. Support the Applicant/Practitioner
    1. Sharing experiences helps deepen one’s understanding of the power of SURE FOOT
    2. Encouragement for using SURE FOOT in practice and complete training
    3. Advancing one’s knowledge to move to the next level
  2. Provide constructive feedback in the following areas:
    1. Improving technique
    2. Observing changes in the horse
    3. Describing SURE FOOT to others
    4. Guiding the mentee through all proficiency requirements in the proficiency document
  3. Assist incorporating SURE FOOT into a business model in several areas:
    1. Body Workers
    2. Trainers/Instructors
    3. Fitness/Rehabilitation
    4. Veterinarian
    5. Farrier/Trimmers
  4. Topics of discussion may include:
    1. How to talk about SURE FOOT to clients
    2. Dealing with client questions
    3. Video Case Studies
    4. Ways to answer questions about using SURE FOOT in a particular situation 

The goal of mentoring is to use the same principles applied to horses, applied to SURE FOOT Practitioners and Applicants: Safe, Support, Success.

2 HOOF Mentorship for becoming a 3 HOOF may be with applicants as well as 1 HOOF Practitioners. Mentee will be assigned (with her permission) to a 2 or 3 HOOF Practitioner.

Case Study Review Defined
Case Studies will be provided to Applicant by the Practitioner Coordinator. Each Case Study will come with a Case Study Feedback Form attached to be filled out by the 3 or 4 HOOF Applicant.

3 HOOF Applicants
Mentorship – 3 HOOF Applicants will be required to mentor a minimum of two 1 HOOF Practitioners.
Case Study Review – 3 HOOF Applicants will be required to review and give feedback on six Case Studies submitted by two 1 HOOF Practitioner Applicants. Case Studies to be provided by Practitioner Coordinator.

4 HOOF Applicants
Mentorship – 4 HOOF Applicants will be required to mentor a minimum of two 1 HOOF Practitioners and two 2 HOOF Practitioners.
Case Study Review – 4 HOOF Applicants will be required to review and give feedback on six Case Studies provided by two 1 HOOF Practitioners and two 2 HOOF Practitioners.