Helen Stowell - 1 HOOF
Equine Podiatrist
Shropshire UK
Helen Stowell is an Equine Podiatrist from Shropshire in the UK. She became interested in SURE FOOT as she could see how it helps with horse’s balance, posture & proprioception. Which is exactly what Helen is interested in for her Equine Podiatry practice. Helen loves how the horses get a choice & that the pads really help them to release relax & just be. It’s a really simple but powerful approach.
Linda van der Horst - 2 HOOF
+44 7985642636
Location: Northern Ireland, Ireland
Linda is the first Centered Riding instructor and SURE FOOT Practitioner in Northern Ireland. She offers coaching and support to riders and horses during rehabilitation and training, as well as healing for humans and animals.
Linda offers a helping hand to humans and horses based on respect, calmness
and safety. Her open-minded view on everything, means from contact to support
she has no judgement. Her wish is to make horses happier, healthier and more confident.
Martina Bigler - 3 HOOF
Location: Switzerland
Living in Switzerland, near Lake Biel, Martina works as a Therapist, Nutritionist, and Trainer for Animals. Her passion is Horses and Dogs. Martina is a Dual Aktivierung® & Equikinetic® trainer, Horse Physiotherapist, and Acupuncturist.
Martina believes many animals are unbalanced across various areas of their bodies including their locomotor system, metabolism, and in their mental wellbeing. With individual therapy, training, and nutrition, she says it is possible to restore balance, fill deficits, and build a strong foundation. These are the essential requirements to a healthy and happy life. Martina uses SURE FOOT to support all her clients.
Emma Jansen - 1 HOOF
Trainer voor paard en ruiter
Tel./ WhatsApp: +31 681 490 151
The Netherlands
Emma is a Centered Riding Instructor level I and Authorised 1 HOOF SURE FOOT - Equine Stability Pad Practitioner based in The Netherlands. She is also is a rehabilitation trainer and instructor level 3 at Equicare-Plus and trains according to the principles of 4DimensionDressage. Emma is also a myofascia release bodyworker Emma specialising in getting a healthy, balanced and happy horse combined with a balanced and happy rider. . She offers SURE FOOT private sessions in The Netherlands and uses the SURE FOOT pads through all the different areas of her work.
Emma is Centered Riding Instructor level I en gecertificeerd 1 Hoof SURE FOOT - Equine Stability Pad Practitioner in Nederland. Tevens is zij revalidatietrainer en instructeur niveau 3 bij Equicare-Plus en traint zij volgens de principes van 4DimensionDressage. En ze is fascia release behandelaar. Emma is gespecialiseerd in het krijgen van een gezond en gelukkig paard met een correct bewegingspatroon, in combinatie met goed balanceerde en gelukkige ruiter. Ze biedt SURE FOOT privésessies aan in Nederland en gebruikt de SURE FOOT-pads in alle verschillende gebieden van haar werk.
Adnan Bosnic - 2 HOOF
+41 78 400 34 81
Location: 7205 Zizers, Switzerland
Adnan is a 2 HOOF practitioner and Level 1 CENTERED RIDING® Instructor with credentials in Dressage, Jumpers, Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat, Versatility, Eventing, Western, Recreational riding and Therapeutic. With a love of helping people, horses and any animals, Adnan aims to help you and your horse to move better, feel better and do stuff better – while having fun too. You will leave with knowledge and confidence of what you can do, to keep the good stuff growing. Adnan looks forward to your call or email.