Applicant must be a 2 HOOF SURE FOOT Equine Practitioner in good standing for a minimum of one year
Step 1 - Apply
- Must be an Equine Professional with liability insurance (depends on country of residence). An equine professional could be a Trainer, Veterinarian, Farrier, Bodyworker, etc.
- Fill out the 3 HOOF SURE FOOT Practitioner application
- Pay applicable 3 HOOF Practitioner fees
Step 2 - Learn
- Shadow a 3 or 4 HOOF Practitioner at a minimum of two public SURE FOOT Clinics and/or Demonstrations
- Attend a minimum of one SURE FOOT Workshop as an assistant to the 4 HOOF Practitioner
Step 3 – Prepare
- Agree to only use the Murdoch Method SURE FOOT Products at all times when representing the SURE FOOT Brand
- Acquire a second set of SURE FOOT Pads in order to have a sufficient number of Pads when working in a clinic setting
- Complete the 3 HOOF “How to do Case Studies” online learning module
- Attend 3 HOOF virtual mentorship meetings
Step 4 – Practice
- Applicant must be able to demonstrate the following abilities:
- Maintain control of the environment in a clinic setting
- Present information clearly and succinctly
- Keep an audience engaged and recognize when breaks are needed
- Read the participants to determine when both horse or owner needs a rest
- Stay positive in the face of adversity or challenging part
- Remain polite and professional at all times
- Submit three video Case Studies, including:
- A Case Study following a horse for one-month (using SURE FOOT at least once per week) demonstrating the long-term benefits of SURE FOOT
- One video demonstrating how to teach SURE FOOT to a small group
- One short Case Study demonstration that could be used as preparation to present to a riding school, veterinary practice, local riding club, etc. This should include photos and videos supporting the benefits of SURE FOOT.
Step 5 – Evaluate
- Critique one’s own performance and suggest ways to improve including but not limited to:
- Public speaking courses
- Conduct online meetings and webinars as the facilitator
- Learn group dynamic skills in other areas of expertise
- Review the Case Studies provided with a 4 HOOF Practitioner
- Mentor a minimum of two 1 HOOF Practitioners Applicants towards their authorization
- Mentorship guidelines will be provided prior to mentees being assigned.
- Review and provide feedback on a minimum of six Case Studies
- Sample Case Studies will be provided by Practitioner Coordinator
Step 6 – Authorized
- SURE FOOT Office approves Applicant
- Practitioner submits updated biography and photograph for SURE FOOT website
- Office lists Practitioner as a 3 HOOF on the SURE FOOT Equine website Practitioners page
- Practitioner receives certificate
- Practitioner uses the SURE FOOT logo and 3 HOOF logo in marketing
3 HOOF Practitioners are authorized to:
- Give private lessons
- Use marketing materials
- Give SURE FOOT Pad Parties
- Facilitate SURE FOOT Clinics:
- One to two days, open-to-the-public clinics are typically two days with unmounted and mounted sessions to see the changes that occur overnight. Often one horse is used as a demonstration and then two horses are in the arena at the same time with a support person (rider or handler) Auditors are allowed.
- Represent the SURE FOOT brand by presenting at conferences, meetings and demonstrations with prior approval from the SURE FOOT Office.